What to put on your CV or resume

It is undeniable that the employment market has been extremely competitive and won’t ease up anytime soon. There are a few things you should do as a recent graduate or job seeker in order to set yourself apart from the competition. You should focus on your resume or curriculum vitae (CV).

You must be aware of what to put on your CV or resume!

What is a CV?

In its full form, CV stands for curriculum vitae (Latin for: course of life). In the US, Canada, and Australia, a CV is a document you use for academic purposes. The US academic curriculum vitae outlines every detail of your scholarly career. In other countries, curriculum vitae is an equivalent of an American resume. You use it when you apply for jobs.

Because this document is named differently across different countries, a lot of folks keep asking:

Cvs are very elaborate, covering a full history of your academic credentials and, among others, while resumes are very concise (preferably 2-3 pages) emphasizing skills.

In a CV, academic accomplishments come first, while skills and proficiency is emphasized on a resume.

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This article outlines What to put on your CV or resume.

What is the difference between a CV and a resume?

Let’s get this straight, once and for all:

In the hiring industry, nowadays there’s almost no formal difference between a CV and a resume. It’s the same thing that Brits call a CV and Americans—a resume.

Just like they do with chips and french fries, football and soccer, or Queen Elizabeth and Queen Bey.

So, if you’re applying to a European company, you should create a curriculum vitae. But if you’re applying to a US-based employer, you should make a resume.

And no, a CV is not a cover letter. A curriculum vitae is a detailed list of specifications, while a cover letter is a full-blown marketing campaign.

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Importance of a Good CV or Resume

Knowing what to write and how to do it is crucial to your success because a well-written CV could mean the difference between getting an interview for your desired job or not.

Make your CV stand out because it will be the first thing an employer looks at.

Recruitment software now scans your CV for keywords and skills mentioned in the job advertisement. This software is used by recruitment agents and many employers. This means that you should change your CV for each job application, using keywords from the job advertisement.

Think of your CV as a vital tool for promoting yourself to prospective employers so that you stand out and they want to meet you. Use your CV to highlight all the information an employer needs to know about you, including your education, accomplishments, skills, and abilities.


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  1. Name and Contact Details
  2. Personal Profile
  3. Core Competencies/Skills
  4. Work Experience/Employment History
  5. Education
  6. Awards and Professional Affiliations
  7. Hobbies and Interest

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  1. Name and Contact Details:

Your name should be the first and most significant item on your CV. You must provide your first name and last name. Put your professional title and name together if you have one.
Instead of the word “CV,” use your name as the title of the document. The space between your name and your contact information may be comfortable. You must provide your phone number, email address, and complete address.

Rachel Opoku

E-mail: Rachopoku***@gmail.com


2. Personal Profile:

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The maximum number of lines for this is four. Your personal profile need to give the prospective employer a synopsis of your identity, professional experience, transferrable talents, and present career goals.

I have been a professional joiner with experience in groundwork, concrete finishing, and steel fixing since 2015. I have worked in the construction industry. As a skilled worker, I’ve supported numerous trades all year. I am delighted to return to work after a period of training and personal development that has increased my skill set.

3. Skills/Core Competencies

Under your personal profile, you’ll often find sections on core competencies or critical abilities. List at least six to ten of your best traits that would persuade the hiring manager that you would be a good fit for the job. Be aware that the talents can be either challenging or gentle.

Excellent interpersonal skills

Expert knowledge of a variety of programming languages including Java, Python, C,. ……….

4. Work Experience

Theoretically, your most recent position should occupy the most space because it represents the pinnacle of your professional trajectory, and best represents your skills, as a result.

Include your employment dates, your work title, the firm, a line describing the position, and bullet points outlining your responsibilities, competencies, and accomplishments for each position.

5. Education

The reverse-chronological sequence must be used when listing your schooling. You must at the very least list the title of your degree or qualification, the institution where you studied or the organization that awarded it, your grade, and the days you spent studying for or earning the qualification.

If you’re just starting out in your profession and your schooling is still one of the strongest selling points on your resume, you can add bullet points beneath each institution that detail the pertinent modules, assignments, placements, and talents.

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B.Sc. Business Administration

Kwame Nkrumah University of Science and Technology, Kumasi.


General Arts

Prempeh College


6. Awards

You might also think about including qualifications and accolades on your resume. We may tie awards to academia, business, employment, or volunteer effort. For example, Awarded the 2015 Best Speaker at the 62nd Independence Day Celebrations Debate Competition.

7. Hobbies and Interests:

If you think it will help your application in some manner, you can add a section to your CV called Hobbies and Interests. Just be careful not to overshare and make sure they aren’t generic.

Others you can add

Volunteer Work:

Volunteering can seem great on your resume, especially if it relates to the position you’re seeking for. Including this kind of experience on your resume is a terrific method to make up for employment gaps, strengthen your work history if you’re changing careers, or boost your resume as a recent graduate.

Professional Membership:

It is important to promote your involvement in your industry and show your dedication to your job on your CV if you belong to a few professional organizations.

Just as some information is always appropriate to include on your CV, there are some that are not.

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What not to put in your CV

Don’t put:

  • a photo or images
  • coloured or fancy fonts or design
  • your date of birth or age
  • your marital status, religion or bank account details
  • too much text and bad spelling
  • a funny or rude email address
  • work experience or interests that are not relevant to the job
  • lies about your experience and skills.

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What to put on your CV or resume!

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